Flip Off Seals / Caps: Crimp on caps for injection vials. An aluminium flip off crimp seal with plastic top which flips off tearing out the centre revealing
Capacity: 20, 11 mm, 13mm. Color: SS Features: ss neck with metal powder coated handle ... Vial Crimper, Nozzle Size: 11 To 32mm, Capacity: 250 Caps.
The company has offices in four countries: UK, Germany, United States and SNV12-11. Crimp Neck Micro-Vial, clear glass, conical. 1.1. 32 x 11.6.
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11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 18. 20. 21. 22. VIAL AND CLOSURE COMBINATIONS VIALS. ND11. Crimp Top Vials 12 x 32 mm. Color. Patch. Neck Type ... -D UK, 230 V.
1.5ml wide opening short screw-thread vial Clear, 11.6*32mm 100 Screw Neck Vials ND10, wide opening,Caps and Septa,10-425 thread.
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1.5ml 11mm Crimp Neck Vial, clear glass, with label and filling lines, 32 x 11.6mm wide ND vials have approximately a 40% wider mouth opening than standard
The company has offices in four countries: UK, Germany, United States and SNV12-11. Crimp Neck Micro-Vial, clear glass, conical. 1.1. 32 x 11.6.
variety of auto-sampler requiring narrow neck vials. 2ml Clear vial, 12×32mm, Precise 7.0 Borosilicate Glass, crimp top(11 mm mouth).
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Use Aijiren Tech™ 11 mm Glass Crimp Top Vials with aluminum crimp seal closures. These high-quality 11 mm glass vials are 2 mL, 12 x 32 mm and fit most
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