High-throughput sequencing (HTS) is a newly invented technology alternative to microarray. Although it is still relatively more expensive than microarray, it has several advantages even for the measurements of factors that affect regulation of gene expression. For example, HTS can be applied to non-model organism while microarray is restricted
Sep 10, 2020 · The pipeline design is a high-performance hardware implementation and a wise way to implement high throughput and fast architecture. In comparison with the non-pipeline design, such as serial, that the plaintext should feed to the design after getting the previous plaintext, the pipeline design feeds by plaintext in each clock cycle.
Select Level 2 products for high-throughput applications, when robustness and reproducibility are key. Choose from polypropylene caps with all-purpose silicone/PTFE septa of various hardness values designed to reduce autosampler needle issues. Pre-slit and bonded septa options are available.
Aug 20, 2021 · 4.2 High-throughput screening and next-generation sequencing, a winning combination Along with the design and implementation of new tailored high-throughput screening methods, advancements in DNA sequencing technologies have significantly impacted the state of the art in enzyme engineering and in vitro evolution. Deep mutational scanning (DMS
• Level 2: High-throughput analysis When robustness and reproducibility are key SureSTART Level 2 vials have very low metal contents and leachables to ensure that they conform to the high standards you need to meet your regulatory requirements. The septa are conditioned to provide a very low level of chromatographic extractables.
The incorporation of CCS into mass spectrometry libraries and the use in non-targeted screening workflows affords the opportunity to increase specificity of identification using a multifactor authentication strategy, while simultaneously increasing the flexibility of the analysis strategy and enhancing sample throughput efficiency.
Select Level 2 products for high throughput applications, when robustness and reproducibility are key. Choose from a variety of kits containing screw or short thread screw vials with marking spots in clear or amber glass and polypropylene caps with silicone/PTFE septa of various hardness values designed to reduce autosampler needle issues.
Select Level 2 products for high-throughput applications, when robustness and reproducibility are key. Choose from polypropylene caps with all-purpose silicone/PTFE septa of various hardness values designed to reduce autosampler needle issues. Pre-slit and bonded septa options are available.
Use Aijiren Tech™ SureSTART™ 20 mm Crimp Caps with crimp vials that have a 20 mm opening, including our SureSTART 10 mL and 20 mL Glass Crimp Top Headspace Vials (Level 2). Select Level 2 products for high-throughput applications, when robustness and reproducibility are key. Choose from aluminum and magnetic steel caps with silicone
Aijiren Tech™. 6PCK576W. 2 mL Short Thread Screw Glass SureStop™ Vial, Level 3. Amber Glass. Screw (AVCS™), Level 3. White Silicone/Blue PTFE; Pre-slit. Pack of 100 for $73.50. Check Availability.
Measurement science has also played a central role in enabling the rise of high throughput experimentation, which has become an important feature of modern pharmaceutical discovery and development. 1–5 High throughput experimentation is now a large, complex and rapidly evolving branch of chemistry and an important focus for academic research
Choose from a variety of kits containing short thread screw vials in glass or TPX and polypropylene caps with silicone/PTFE septa designed to reduce autosampler needle issues. Bonded septa options are available. Select kits with SureStop™ vials and/or AVCS™ screw caps for effective seals, consistent data, and increased sample throughput.
Select Level 2 products for high-throughput applications, when robustness and reproducibility are key. Choose from aluminum and magnetic steel caps with silicone/PTFE or butyl/PTFE septa of various hardness values designed to reduce autosampler needle issues.
Excellent choice for general volatiles analysis. Septa are packed in a glass PurePak jar to assure low background, low permeability, and the highest performance of any headspace septum. PTFE/Silicone septa provide excellent resealing characteristics and broad chemical compatibility. Gray PTFE/Molded Black Butyl Septa (Pharmafi x Style): (C4020-36)
• Level 2: High-throughput analysis When robustness and reproducibility are key SureSTART Level 2 vials have very low metal contents and leachables to ensure that they conform to the high standards you need to meet your regulatory requirements. The septa are conditioned to provide a very low level of chromatographic extractables.