网页スタンダードMF-ミリポアメンブレン、色: 白色、表面: 無地 · カタログ番号並べ替えとフィルターをクリアする Show Filter Hide Filter カタログ番号 ポアサイズ フィルター直径 ( ) パッケージ VSWP01300 0.025 µm 13 mm 100 価格&在庫状況
网页One such filter includes a filter element with a microporous expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane. The membrane assumes a relatively large percentage of the filtering duties
网页MCE Membrane Filter A mixture of nitrocellulose and cellulose acetate Naturally hydrophilic Available in both supported or non-supported Pore size: 0.22μm-3μm, Diameter: 13mm-142mmHigh porosit Contact Now MCE Gridded Membrane MCE Membrane FilterlA mixture of nitrocellulose and cellulose acetate lNaturally hydrophilic
网页Membrane Filtration (Coated Filter Element) The membrane filtration product of Jintai Company is a kind of surface filtration. The surface of this product has a very thin precision filter layer, and the inside is a high-strength support layer. The two layers are sintered at high temperature to form a chemical bond, so the filter layer will not
网页Membrane Filters Membrane filters are constructed out of a wide range of synthetic
网页The high performing Schumalith filter elements are mainly used for high temperature applications. General Information Machining is possible using diamond tools. Elements can be glued using commerical or special ceramic glues. Careful consideration should be taken regarding operating temperature and chemical resistance. Specifications
网页酢酸セルロース(CA)メンブレンフィルター › ガラス繊維(GF)メンブレンフィルター › ガラス繊維メンブレンは目詰まりしづらいため、粘性および粒子濃度の高い液体のための優れたプレフィルターとして使用できます。 夾雑物の捕捉能力が高いため、続くダウンストリームで使用するフィルター寿命を伸ばし、全体的な製品コストの改善につながります
网页2022/02/17 · Filson membrane filter cartridges can withstand mechanical and thermal stress by robust membrane cartridge construction. The endcaps, inner cores, and outer support cages are constructed of 100% pure polypropylene (PP) for increased durability and excellent chemical resistance. 10inch 20inch Membrane Filter Cartridge
网页Membrane filter elements, in contrast to chamber filter elements and filter plates and
网页Nanofiltration Nanofiltration is a separation process characterized by organic thin film composite membranes with a pore size range of 0.1 to 10 nm. Unlike reverse osmosis (RO) membranes, which reject all solutes, NC membranes can operate at lower pressures and offer selective solute rejection based on size and load. PHOTO GALLERY
网页Ultrafiltration Membranes. Ultrafiltration (UF) is a separation process using membranes with pore sizes in the range of 0.1 to 0.001 micron. Typically, UF membranes will remove high molecular-weight substances, colloidal materials, and organic and inorganic polymeric molecules. Low molecular-weight organics and ions such as sodium, calcium
网页Designed for use in existing Pall Lube & Hydraulic filter applications, Pall’s Supralon filter elements combine the best features of Pall Coralon® and Ultipor® elements, making it easy for customers to have access to the best product for any application’s requirement. The high efficiency and consistent performance of Supralon long life